Questions?(419) 281-3058
Adrian Church of the Brethren, Billing
Akron Eastwood Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Akron First Church of the Brethren, Board Chair/Treasurer
Ashland Dickey Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Ashland First Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Bethel Church of the Brethren, Clerk/Peace Advocate
Black River Church of the Brethren, Board Chair
Bristolville Church of the Brethren, Board Chair, Deacon
Brook Park Community Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Center Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Chippewa Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Defiance Church of the Brethren, Board Chair
Dupont Church of the Brethren, Billing
East Chippewa Church of the Brethren, Board chair
Elm Street Church of the Brethren, Pastor
Faith in Action Church of the Brethren, Pastor
Freeburg Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Lake Breeze Church of the Brethren, Pastor
Lakewood Church of the Brethren, Treasurer/Deacon
Lick Creek Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Mansfield First Church of the Brethren, Deacon
New Philadelphia Church of the Brethren, Board Chair/Deacon/Stewards
Owl Creek Church of the Brethren, Young Adult Advisor
Painesville Church of the Brethren, Nurture, Co-Board Chair
Painesville Church of the Brethren, Treasurer, Co-Board Chair
Paradise Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Paradise Church of the Brethren, Pastor, Disaster Coordinator
Poplar Ridge Church of the Brethren, Deacon/Youth
Reading Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Richland Church of the Brethren, Treasurer/Deacon
Sugar Creek West Church of the Brethren, Deacon, Disaster, Board Chair
Woodworth Church of the Brethren, Deacon/Stewards
Brook Park Community Church of the Brethren, Vice Chair
Painesville Church of the Brethren, Pastor
Dupont Church of the Brethren
Maple Grove Church of the Brethren, Member
Ashland Dickey Church of the Brethren, Stewards
Eden Church of the Brethren, Deacon, Family Life
Lake Breeze Church of the Brethren, Treasurer
Hartville Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Maple Grove Church of the Brethren, On-site Volunteer
Akron Springfield Church of the Brethren, Deacon
Bristolville Church of the Brethren
East Chippewa Church of the Brethren
Sugarcreek East Church of the Brethren